For every Action there is Way in Life
Today's way took us up Cathedral Rock
where the pulsating earth energies
Open Man and Woman up
to all things.
Open up to Each other
Open up, to what's up inside
at the time of all other times.
The Climb to the top is hard work.
Once up top,
we can see the hidden valley,
breath the tranquil air,
meditate as one, and vibrate.
Share our thoughts and feelings
as the Earth's Energy recalibrates
our Purpose
our Peace
our Togetherness
our Strength
our Thank fullness
our Love
our Destination
our Being
our Choices
our Touch, our Kiss
our Every thing
The Action and the Way is to
See for yourself when you get there.
Climb Cathedral Rock
to the Top...
and come back home Just Right.
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